Path of Exile 3.24: A Guide to Obtaining a Six-Link at League Start

Apr-10-2024 categories: path of exile Tag: Path of Exile, POE Currency, PoE items

One of the most sought-after goals in the Path of Exile game is acquiring a six-link item, which greatly enhances a character's power. In this article, we will explore various methods to obtain a six-link item at the league start, highlighting cost-effective alternatives to spamming Orb of Fusings.

1. Tabula Rasa: The Flexible Starting Point

Tabula Rasa is a unique item that offers six linked white sockets, providing flexibility for socketing gems. It is highly sought-after during league starts due to its versatility. For players who haven't planned their league starter or want to experiment with new skills, Tabula Rasa allows easy socket adjustments. Additionally, corrupting Tabula Rasa can grant +2 to gem levels, which greatly benefits spellcasters or damage over time builds.

2. Corrupted Six Links: Balancing Stats and Flexibility

Corrupted six-link items offer additional stats, which can be crucial for character development. These stats can include resistance, life, evasion, and more. While obtaining the desired colors may be challenging, corrupted six links can be a cost-effective option for players who have planned their build. However, reselling these Path Of Exile items can be difficult due to specific requirements matching potential buyers.

3. Tainted Orb of Fusings: Affordable Alternatives

Tainted Orb of Fusings provides a cheaper alternative to standard Orb of Fusings when it comes to six-linking. Though not as widely available as they were in the past, they can still be more cost-effective than traditional methods. Corrupted chests with +2 levels to specific skills are great candidates for Tainted Orb of Fusings. Crafting a corrupted six-link armor from scratch using Tainted POE Orbs requires careful consideration of the 50/50 chance for each linking attempt.

4. Divination Cards: Six Links Through Trading

Divination cards can be a valuable source of six-link items, especially for players who prefer solo self-found gameplay. The Chains That Bind, Dapper Prodigy, and Porcupine cards are cost-effective options worth considering. Divination cards are a great way to acquire six-link items without relying on RNG or expensive trade options.

5. Bad Base Items: Off-Meta and Budget-Friendly

Bad base items are often overlooked, but they can offer affordable opportunities for six-link items. These bases are typically less desirable due to the current meta or build preferences, resulting in lower prices. Off-meta builds and unique weapon users can benefit from these budget-friendly options, allowing experimentation without spending too much money on buying Path Of Exile Currency.

6. Weak Base Items: Practical and Cost-Efficient

Choosing a weaker base item can significantly reduce the cost of a six-link item. While it may lack certain desirable properties like high evasion, it can still provide substantial benefits. Opting for a base item with lower popularity, such as an Eelskin Tunic instead of an Assassin's Garb, can save players a significant amount of currency without sacrificing overall effectiveness.

Acquiring a six-link item in Path of Exile can be a daunting task, especially at the league start. However, by considering alternative methods and being aware of cost-effective options, players can achieve their desired six-link without breaking the bank. Whether it's through Tabula Rasa, corrupted items, tainted orbs, divination cards, or off-meta and weak base items, there are several avenues to explore. By employing these strategies, players can enhance their gaming experience and progress further in the world of Path of Exile.