What Healing Classes Should You Choose to play Classic WoW?

Apr-18-2022 categories: WOW Classic

If you're interested in playing as healers and are looking for a better healing class, then you're probably thinking about what healing class is most effective for you in Classic WoW. If you're looking to become healing within Classic WoW you have the option of choosing from Priest, Druid, Shaman, and Paladin The four classes can be a good option for the player in a raid. However, certain classes are more sought-after than others. Below, we'll break down every healing class, and then discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


Priests are extremely multi-faceted healers, with quick healing spells, potent healing spells, shields to absorb damage, as well as area-of-effect healing spells. Because of this, Priests are considered to be the most important healers within WoW Classic and the majority of raiding guilds have several priest spots. If you are the role of a priest, you'll be sure that you will find a spot for raiding because all raiding groups require a number of priests.

Priests are exceptionally adept at healing single targets and are often chosen to be healers for tanks. Priests are blessed with a vast inventory of healing spells, which makes them extremely fun to play, but they can be difficult to master, particularly for beginners. The issue can be made worse by the fact that Priest healers are likely to lower the rank of several of the spells they cast. Downranking occurs when you employ an inferior level or less effective version of the spell because they are much more Mana efficient than the more powerful version.


Druids are able to use a skill known as Faerie Fire which decreases the armor of the target by 505 over 40 seconds. This is a powerful ability when it comes to raiding because it can deal an enormous amount of damage to an opponent in a short amount of time. Innervate is yet another Druid ability that is highly valued during raiding. Innervate can increase the target's Mana regeneration by up to 400% and permits 100 percent of the mana regeneration to continue during casting. Druids can also cast a battle resurrection spell that can be helpful, but it comes with an extremely long cooldown time of 30 minutes.

The downside of Druids is that they do not have a specific area-of-effect healing power, meaning they'll spend longer jumping between targets and healing than the other healing classes could. The most ferocious raiding guilds reserve slots for Druids but they'll likely require one or two Druids so the competition is likely to be fierce. Druids also aren't thought of as the most effective healers as they seldom top the healer rankings. Yet, Druids are one of the most efficient classes for leveling and generally an engaging and fun class to play, so should you be determined to play as a Druid healer, don't let it deter you.


Paladins are available only to use in Alliance in the form of Humans or Dwarves They are not available to Horde. If you've never previously played a healer or haven't played in some time, but would like to play one in Classic WoW following the purchase of some gold at a bargain price in Classic the Paladin class is the best option. Paladins are thought to be the most simple healing class to play however, they're also one of the most effective healing classes. Guilds that run Riding will search for Paladins to join their ranks due to the fact that Paladins possess useful skills like the greater blessing of Salvation.


Shamans are a Classic WoW Horde exclusive class. You are able to select between Troll, Tauren, or Orc as your race. Shamans are renowned for their totems and additionally, their healing spells that target an area of effect as they are dominant in this particular area. In general, Shamans are considered to be an essential healer on the Horde side, and there is always a place for Shamans in raiding groups.

Locating Raid Spots

The process of finding a place in a good guild for raiding can be a challenge for every class, but specifically for tankers and healers because there are a finite amount of slots available for the jobs. This is made even more difficult when specific classes are preferred ahead of others. Therefore, you must get your gear as quickly as you can in order to be in the ideal position to begin the process of raiding. This can be accomplished by scavenging for gear in dungeons of a high level or crafting equipment. You can also accumulate a collection of gold that can be used to purchase the top equipment or formulas for the most effective equipment. Some players cultivate WOWC gold on their own, but others may opt to buy WoW Classic Gold.