WoW Classic Season of Discovery Class Picking Guide

World of Warcraft Classic returns players to the nostalgic realm of the original 2004 MMORPG. With the Season of Discovery, a fresh start awaits those seeking an adventure from level 1, devoid of transfers, boosts, or character copies. This season introduces class changes aimed at enhancing game balance, diversity, and adding a touch of excitement to each class. Let's delve into the class features and changes in the Season of Discovery, along with recommendations for your class selection guide. If you require SoD gold for acquiring weapons and items, consider purchasing from SSEGold for affordable prices.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Classes: Features and Changes

In WoW Classic, nine distinct classes offer unique abilities, talents, and roles. The Season of Discovery brings forth changes designed to improve game balance, drawing from community feedback and developer insights. Here's a breakdown of each class's main features and changes:


Druids are versatile shapeshifters capable of filling various roles like tanking, healing, or dealing damage based on their form. They possess a range of skills such as healing, buffing, rooting, and stealth, making them adaptable in group scenarios. The Season of Discovery introduces three specs for Druids: Guardian (tank), Feral (damage), and Restoration (healer). Additionally, new rune engravings enhance their abilities, offering powerful spells like Wild Growth.


Hunters excel as ranged damage dealers who can also utilize pets for added combat prowess. With skills like traps, feign death, and aspect of the cheetah, they control battles and enhance mobility. The season introduces two specs for Hunters: Beast Mastery and Marksmanship, each with unique abilities like Bestial Wrath and Chimera Shot.


Mages wield potent spellcasting abilities in fire, frost, or arcane magic, along with utility spells like teleportation and crowd control. Season of Discovery presents two specs for Mages: Frost and Arcane, offering new spells like Deep Freeze and Temporal Beacon.


Paladins, holy warriors, can function as tanks, healers, or damage dealers. Their skills include healing, shielding, blessing, and judgment. The season introduces Retribution and Holy specs for Paladins, with abilities like Crusader Strike and Beacon of Light.


Priests are versatile healers capable of dealing damage with shadow or holy magic. They provide essential support in groups, offering healing, buffs, and debuffs. The season introduces Shadow and Holy specs for Priests, featuring spells like Mind Flay and Prayer of Mending.


Rogues specialize in stealthy assassination tactics and deal massive damage with melee weapons. With skills like stealth and vanish, they control engagements and excel in PvP scenarios. The season introduces Assassination and Combat specs for Rogues, offering abilities like Mutilate and Killing Spree.


Shamans are elemental spellcasters who can also use melee weapons and totems. They provide diverse support in groups with healing, buffing, and shocking abilities. The season introduces Enhancement, Elemental, and Restoration specs for Shamans, offering abilities like Stormstrike, Lava Burst, and Riptide.


Warlocks harness dark powers to deal damage or summon demons. The season introduces Affliction and Demonology specs for Warlocks, offering abilities like Haunt and Metamorphosis.


Warriors are melee fighters who can tank or deal damage based on their stance. The season introduces Arms, Fury, and Protection specs for Warriors, offering abilities like Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, and Shield Slam.

With these class changes, the WoW Classic Season of Discovery invites players to explore new playstyles and strategies, enhancing their gaming experience. Choose a class that suits your playstyle and embark on an epic adventure in Azeroth.

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